Steve Spurrier Most-Hated College Football Coach
Steve Spurrier?s nickname, the Ol? Ball Coach, makes it seem like he?s your friendly next door neighbor who just happens to be a championship-winning college football head man.
But according to rankings by on Friday, Spurrier is that neighbor that everyone hates. Click below for the entire list of the 10 most hated college football coaches ever.
Read more ? Feature Governor Nikki Haley S.C. Politics Speaker Bobby Harrell
GOP takes money on its own terms
So let?s get this straight. Gov. Nikki Haley can turn down millions in federal funds to set up a health exchange. And Education Superintendent Mick Zais can refuse millions in federal dollars to help schools through the recession.
But the Legislature will happily accept millions from a federal foreclosure lawsuit settlement, and then hand the money over to businesses ? instead of the victims?
Nice priorities. This week Stephen Largen reported that the state has received $31 million from a lawsuit to help homeowners who can?t pay their mortgages and those who lost their homes because of illegal shenanigans by the nation?s top lenders.
And what does the state House of Representatives want to do?
Give that money to the Commerce Department ? the people who brought you Nikki Haley?s Excellent Paris Adventure.
Read more ? Press Release
Statements by the Members of the House Ethics Committee
For Immediate Release May 25, 2012 Sent on behalf of the House Ethics Committee: ? Statements by the Members of the House Ethics Committee (Columbia, SC) ? Today, the individual members of the House Ethics Committee ? whose membership is elected to serve on this Committee by a vote of the full Membership of the House of Representatives ? released the following statements.? Each individual member, speaking for themselves, stated: ?House Speaker Bobby Harrell has been attacked with several accusations [...]
Read more ? Feature Governor Nikki Haley Press Release
Speaker Harrell Responds to Governor Haley
?Statements made by Governor Haley today at a press conference are simply not true.?
?It is not true to claim that lawyers for the House Ethics Committee were ?directed? to refuse to meet with the Governor?s lawyers in order to accept the documents the Committee requested. The truth is, the Governor?s lawyers did in fact present those documents directly to counsel for the Ethics Committee. In fact, we now know that the Governor?s legal team ? in a 30-minute meeting with lawyers for the Ethics Committee ? were given an opportunity to fully discuss these documents. All of this took place yesterday and to assert otherwise is not the truth.
?It is not true to claim that I, as Speaker of the House, caused the Ethics Committee to take further action. Rep. James Smith introduced a House Resolution asking the Committee to further their investigation.
Read more ? 2012 Feature POTUS Treasurer Curtis Loftis
Okay, Make Bain Capital the Poster Child
President Obama has ridiculed Bain Capital and Mitt Romney as job-destroying vultures. He said, regarding Bain, that attacks are legitimate. ?This is what this campaign is going to be about.? Romney should welcome the discussion ? as long as he frames it, not Obama.
First, what is Bain? What is a private equity firm? Essentially, it?s a company that manages, invests its own money, or raises capital for an equity stake in another business or company. Frequently the target companies of private equity firms are those with potential that are either in financial trouble or are stalemated in some fashion and needing a boost of capital to grow and become (more) profitable.
So what did Bain do that was so bad? It made Mitt Romney and his investors wealthy. That?s pretty much it. Wow, how horrible.
Read more ? S.C. Politics
Ted Vick drops 7th CD bid, pockets cash
?Due to recent developments, Ted Vick is ending his campaign for SC Congressional District 7,? the letter to WBTW said. ?Please pull all spots off all logs and cancel future contracts/orders effective immediately.?
Vick?s exit leaves Georgetown economist Gloria Bromell Tinubu and Horry County attorney Preston Brittain the two leading candidates in the Democrat primary.
Vick is slated to run unopposed for S.C. House District 53 in the Democratic primary, after challenger Phil Powell was among candidates removed by the S.C. Supreme Court following a statewide ballot controversy.
Read more ? FITSNews S.C. Politics
Rainey: Nikki Haley Lied to Ethics Committee
Color us shocked. Governor Nikki Haley is a lying liar. FITSNews reports that Republican fundraiser John Rainey is back and armed with inconvenient truths that Haley did, in fact, lie to the S.C. House Ethics Committee. It has been said that the likable rarely suffer the consequences of their unlikable friends for their transgressions, and we predict this will prove as true as Mr. Rainey?s tenacity.
(FITSNews) ?Haley lied to this committee,? Rainey concludes bluntly in a memo sent to ethics committee chairman Roland Smith, whose panel is seeking additional information regarding Haley?s previous employment with Lexington Medical Center and Wilbur Smith Associates.
Read more ? S.C. Politics SCRSIC Treasurer Curtis Loftis
Hedge Fund Got Most S.C. Fees While Lagging on Returns
Mariner Investment Group LLC, a hedge fund founded by a former Bear Stearns Cos. fixed-income executive, charged South Carolina?s pension fund more than any other manager while delivering returns that trailed competitors. Mariner, started by William Michaelcheck, 65, got $38 million in fees from the?South Carolina?Retirement Systems in fiscal 2011, or 16 percent of all the compensation paid to the fund?s money managers, which totaled $239 million, according to pension officials. The performance of Mariner?s investments for South Carolina lagged [...]
Read more ? Feature S.C. Courts S.C. Politics SCGOP Primary Elections
SCGOP Certified Unqualified Candidates
A new hearing on the never ending candidate filing controversy is scheduled for the S.C. Supreme Court on June 4, 2012.
A very clear ruling on the requirements of state law pertaining to candidate filing requirements, specifically Section 8-13-1356(B), was issued by the S.C. Supreme Court on May 2, 2012. Irrespective of that decision, it appears some candidates got onto the June 12th primary ballots anyway.
The new hearing resulted from an affidavit the Florence County Republican Party submitted to the Supreme Court in which it acknowledged only one of the 15 candidates it certified for the June 12th primary ballot actually filed the proper paperwork on time.
Read more ? 2012 Congressional District 7 Feature S.C. Politics
Ted Vick Arrested [Update]
State representative and 7th Congressional District Democratic Ted Vick may have essentially ended his campaign for Congress last night when he was arrested for DUI and weapons charge in the Five Points area of Columbia.
Vick has been leading in Democratic polls for the race in the 7th Congressional District, but nearly 70% of voters in those polls have been undecided to this point.
You can?t help but believe this will do nothing to help Vick and will provide an immense boost to his closest rivals Preston Brittain and Gloria Bromell Tinubu with the primary a little more than two weeks away. No matter how the Vick campaign tries to spin this, it shows incredibly poor judgement on the part of the candidate.
Read more ? Congressional District 7 Press Release S.C. Politics
Senior Center Renamed Honoring Andre Bauer
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Lynda Christison, MPA Director, Council on Aging Lexington County Recreation & Aging Commission 803-356-5111 ? Batesburg-Leesville Senior Center named for Former Lt. Governor Andre? Bauer Lexington, SC ? Former Lt. Governor Andre? Bauer was honored in a ceremony today by Lexington County Recreation & Aging Commission naming its senior center in Batesburg-Leesville the ?Andre? Bauer Senior Center.? Senator Jake Knotts spoke highly of Mr. Bauer?s accomplishments as Lt. Governor and of his life-long commitment to [...]
Read more ? News & Events Press Release
Statement from Bauer on raising the debt ceiling
?For Immediate Release: May 23, 2012 Contact: Scott Malyerck (803) 446-2881 In a Republican debate last night inGeorgetown,SC(Congressional race inSouth Carolina?s new 7th district) Tom Rice was the only candidate who said he would raise our nation?s debt ceiling for a local pork project. Today?s statement from Andre Bauer on raising the debt ceiling??. ?I have pledged that I would not vote to raise our nations debt ceiling. We cannot afford it. Our children and their children do not deserve [...]
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