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I promised it over a month ago and I think I?ve finally got it, an alternative to mate-for-life monogamy, serial monogamy, promiscuity and celibacy, one that fits my appetites while keeping me sane and honorable.
I?ll call it becoming a Loaner, a play on accepting myself as fundamentally alone, no longer deserving a mother surrogate to hold me through thick and thin, and being nonetheless available on loan to other Loaners. I doubt I could have been a Loaner before now.? My appetites, aptitudes, and options needed to mellow with age.
Here are my principles of Loanerdom.
1. Don?t fall: In my past, my pattern was to find a candidate partner and then together, size, feel and butter each other up.? First comes assessment, then surge and merge, a substantial portion of the motivation being sexual chemistry, but most of the consequence being high expectation of devotion. A Loaner works very conscientiously to break this pattern, and through self-monitoring, steer clear of that conventional courtship dance.
2. Friends, really:? Loaners hold a common standard for all connections. Meet people as people, as potential friends, acquaintances or passes, not as potential mates.? That way you can hear them, really listen, not missing what they?re really like because you want something from them or want something to happen with them.?
3. Ignore mixed messages: People have mixed motivations. Women, for example often both want to be, and object to being the objects of physical desire.? Quite understandably, many dress to infatuate us with their beauty and are understandably disgusted by our infatuation. When they want your romantic devotion they treat their alluring bodies as themselves.? When they lose their allure they want you to treat their physical flaws as not them, but something they?re strapped with. And who wouldn?t? Men are no less conflicted. In general, count on people to use their assets and opportunities to get what they want.
For a man, to be a Loaner is to honor women as people and give slight attention to that part of them that would get you drunk on their looks.? Doing so is to delight their human half and a disappointment to their floral half. Live with their half-disappointment, as they do with us when they honor our human half but disappoint our male-equivalent sources of vanity and pride.
4. No agenda: When I go to a religious funeral I?m surprised by the strangely crass mix of memorializing and faith boosterism, the presiding priest?s irrepressible urge to slip in advertisements for their denomination.? ?Your very good friend has died. Let us remember him and on an unrelated note, join our faith, because it?s the best.??
Talking to potential partners, we do the same, wedging reasons why the person we?re talking with should become a member of the ?church of me,? and tithe their sex love and devotion.? A Loaner cuts that out. Stop with the innuendo.? Just hang out together.?
There?s that old saying, ?It is amazing what you can accomplish if you don?t care who gets the credit.?? In very loose parallel I?d say it?s amazing how intimate you can get if you don?t care if you get sexloveromance, and amazing how free you get to stay to follow your own best guiding lights if, having forgone sexloveromance, and can meet people?even beauties--as people.
5. Mojo by other means:? Romance is passion but so are other things. Romance makes us feel alive, growing and special, but so do other activities, and some with a better track record for keeping us feeling that way.? Loaners don?t privilege romance as the must-have source of mojo.? Instead they think about romance as a major investment that, long-term could pay off in a richer life but even if it does, will take attention from their investments in other sources of mojo.? For Loaners, romance is one of many things one can choose to fuss over. They fuss-budget consciously and conscientiously.
6. Sex policy reversal:? Conventional policy says don?t sleep with someone unless you?re serious. A Loaner reverses this. If she already really wants to be your partner, you can?t touch or sleep with her, and probably, you shouldn?t even spend time with her.? If she would sort of really actually probably like to be partners, then maybe you can see her but you shouldn?t probably touch. Only if she too is a Loaner can you afford sex and touching. Why this reversal?? To show appropriate honor and respect. Whether its biological or psychological, sex triggers expectations that shouldn?t be taken lightly.?? Men can be jerks, diving in for what they want without any intention of following through with faithful devotion. Loaners aren?t celibates, but they have to be especially conscientious about when and how they handle their sexuality, never letting it drive them at a woman?s expense.? Being conscientious requires cultivating skepticism about a woman?s declarations.? In general, women are as trustworthy in their declared willingness to be sexually casual as men are in their declared readiness to be sexually committed.
7. Drain the lizard: Loaners are skeptical but not dismissive of the argument that sex is a human necessity, the limbic or lizard brain ever-filling and refilling with libido. Loaners are sexual like everyone else, but they try to handle it responsibly, which often means going it sexually alone. They recognize that porn is problematic.? The more thrills one seeks and finds (and you can find lots of thrills in porn) the less likely you are to find reality thrilling. Still, honoring that part of women that don?t want to be seen as sex objects, and honoring that part of us that still sees them that way means draining the lizard, disconnecting your sexual fantasy life from reality.? Love women as people.? Drain the part that craves them as objects.
8. Respect other tribe?s boundaries: In the 1980?s I tried chat-flirting once and five minutes in, discovered that I was talking to another guy who thought he too was talking to a woman. Awkward! You?ve got to know who you?re talking to because love?s lifestyles are radically different, not just in who we?re attracted to but in what we want to do with that attraction.? Loaners are a decidedly different tribe than married and partnered people, people eagerly seeking a partner, celibates and the promiscuous.? Each lifestyle values some qualities and devalues others and any two lifestyles are going to clash over what to value and devalue.? People who have or want a partner value romantic commitment, the very thing that Loaners work to devalue.? Loaners value autonomy, the very thing that partner?s work to devalue.? Honor the differences.? Don?t try to convert other people to your lifestyle, and don?t be influenced by people who disdain yours. People will sneer, at the baseness of Loanerdom.? I?ve gotten sneers in response to every article I?ve written in this series, and I expect more.? Sneer away.
9. Aromatherapy:? I?ve scorned religion ever since in childhood, but I?ve noticed lately that women have been my religion and sex has been my ritual prayer.? I?ve been a romantic fundamentalist.
What?s a fundamentalist to do when it dawns on him late in life that he has committed most of his life to a cause that?s not working? My sense is that he should stop believing, but is perfectly entitled to continue going through the ritual motions that have provided nourishing rhythm to his long life so far (See How to Retire a Flawed Cause).? For me, this means finding a careful way to adore and pray to Goddesses even though I know longer believe they are my shot at redemption.? It means loving the scent of a beautiful woman without trying to take action to consuming that with which she perfumes my world.
I love conversation with pretty much anyone. I especially love it when it?s with someone pretty. This is my aromatherapy. And, as a lifelong addict, I have to monitor and manage my appetite, because, lifelong I?ve read the scent as leading to a shot at grace itself, the ultimate benediction. ?And it doesn?t.
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A recent study of people with advanced-stage cancer found that a single dose of psilocybin led to lasting improvements in anxiety and depression. Psilocybin might enhance mood by shifting attention away from negative and towards positive emotional information. Mystical experiences occurring under the influence of psilocybin could help ease existential anxiety by changing a person?s attitudes towards death and dying. Although these results are promising, research studies in this area have not used adequate experimental controls and therefore these results should be considered tentative until more rigorous research has been conducted. ?
A pioneering study in the 1970s found that psychotherapy combined with the use of psychedelic drugs such as LSD appeared to help to reduce depression, physical pain and anxiety about death in people with terminal cancer (Grof, Goodman, Richards, & Kurland, 1973). The authors? impression was that the patients who made the most dramatic changes were those who had a ?peak mystical experience? of oneness with the universe usually preceded by an experience of spiritual ?death and rebirth?. Profound experiences of this nature were seen in 25% of sessions. The authors argued that profound religious and spiritual experiences, such as a ?peak mystical experience? were particularly effective in helping patients accept death. However, they also noted that other kinds of emotional improvements frequently occurred even without the presence of a mystical experience.
This study was of an exploratory nature and due to the absence of any control group it is not possible to know whether the effects observed were specifically due to drug effects, the psychotherapy, or even placebo effects. In spite of these promising results, psychedelic drug research was effectively banned for decades when these substances were made illegal. In recent years there has been a revival of interest in this area. A 2011 study again examined the use of psychedelic drugs in people with advanced-stage cancer (Grob et al., 2011). This study used psilocybin rather than LSD because research suggests that the effects of psilocybin are more euphoric and less likely to produce panic or paranoid reactions than LSD. The drug produced no adverse medical effects and was well-tolerated.
The treatment appeared to have beneficial effects on depression and anxiety. Six months after taking psilocybin, the patients had a significant reduction in depression. What I found particularly interesting was that they also showed a reduction in trait anxiety that was significant at 1 and 3 months after treatment. Trait anxiety refers to how much anxiety a person generally feels and is usually considered a stable feature of one?s personality, closely related to a broader trait called neuroticism. The results of this study might seem to suggest that psilocybin could produce a lasting change in this feature of personality. As noted in a previous article, another study using healthy volunteers found that psilocybin produced lasting changes in the personality trait of openness to experience (MacLean, Johnson, & Griffiths, 2011). However, this study found no change in other personality traits, including neuroticism. It seems plausible that when people have advanced-stage cancer their ratings of their general levels of anxiety would be elevated compared to healthy people due to their illness. If this is the case, perhaps psilocybin helped reduce their heightened anxiety to more normal levels. However, without knowing the patients? levels of trait anxiety before their illness it is not possible to draw any definite conclusions.
Another limitation of this study, like the 1970s study cited earlier, is that there was no comparison group of patients who did not receive psilocybin to serve as an experimental control. For this reason, it is not possible to rule out the possibility that the beneficial effects observed were due to placebo effects. For example, the patients might have benefited simply from the care and attention they received from the researchers during the study. The authors of the study acknowledged this limitation and explained that they believed that it would have been unethical to withhold a potentially beneficial treatment from the terminally ill. One possible response to this is that the psilocybin treatment could have been compared to a more conventional treatment such as psychotherapy. If a single-dose of psilocybin could be shown to be as or even more beneficial than more costly and intensive treatment strategies such as psychotherapy then care of the terminally ill could be enriched.
In spite, of these limitations, the results remain suggestive. Studies with healthy volunteers have found that after a single dose of psilocybin, volunteers reported improvements in mood, attitudes to life and the self, positive behaviour changes including improved relationships, and increased spirituality, as well as increased satisfaction with life that persisted for months afterwards (Griffiths et al., 2011; Griffiths, Richards, McCann, & Jesse, 2006). Interestingly, Griffiths et al. (2011) found that volunteers reported increases in ?death transcendence?. That is, participants expressed an increased belief that there is continuity after death, e.g. belief that death is not an ending but a transition to something even greater than this life. It seems worth noting that all the participants in this study were involved in religious or spiritual activities prior to the study. Thus, they might have been especially receptive to the idea that ?spiritual? experiences induced by the drug could represent real insights into reality.
A forthcoming paper on the effects of psilocybin on attention provides insights into why psilocybin might have beneficial effects on mood and relieving depression (Kometer et al., 2012). People who are depressed show a bias towards paying more attention to negative than to positive stimuli. Depressed people find it harder to recognise happy facial expressions and respond more slowly to positive compared to negative words in emotional tasks. This emotional bias has been linked to problematic functioning in the serotonin system in the brain. Psilocybin and LSD produce their hallucinogenic effects by acting on the serotonin system, and Kometer et al.?s study found evidence that psilocybin can influence attentional biases in a positive way. In this study, volunteers under the influence of psilocybin experienced increased positive mood and took longer to recognise negative facial expression and to react to negative or neutral words compared to positive ones. Interestingly, these effects did not occur when participants had been administered a drug called ketanserin, which blocks serotonin receptors[1], before being given psilocybin. This suggests that psilocybin can induce biases of attention towards positive and away from negative emotional stimuli. Additionally, these effects appear to be due to the action of psilocybin on the serotonin system. If it is true that psilocybin treatment can be effective in reducing depression, these findings seem to suggest a plausible mechanism. This might explain why volunteers in the studies by Griffiths et al. reported persistent positive changes in their attitudes to many aspects of their lives.
The findings from these studies seem very promising. The research cited does seem to suggest that mystical experiences induced by psilocybin can help a person overcome the fear of death. Additionally, psilocybin seems to have a generally positive effect on mood and attitude that could alleviate depression. A limitation of the studies cited is that they did not use no-drug control groups for comparison to show that the effects were actually due to the drug rather than other factors such as placebo effects. Thus, it would be premature to definitely conclude that psilocybin is an effective treatment for depression and existential anxiety in people with cancer, even though the results seem very suggestive. More rigorous research designs are needed to provide more conclusive evidence. It would be useful to know if reductions in trait anxiety occur in people who were already high in this trait before developing cancer. Additionally, it would be interesting to examine whether psilocybin might help a person with cancer accept death if they do not have any religious or spiritual beliefs. ?
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BEIJING (AP) ? Thousands of people in an eastern Chinese city clashed with police during a protest over the proposed expansion of a petrochemical factory that they fear would spew pollution and damage public health, townspeople said Saturday.
It was the latest in a string of protests in China this year over fears of health risks from industrial projects, as members of the rising middle class become more outspoken against environmentally risky projects in their areas.
Past protests have targeted a coal-fired power plant in southern China, a waste-water pipeline in eastern China, and a copper plant in west-central China.
The Zhenhai district government in Zhejiang province's Ningbo city said in a statement Saturday that "a few" people disrupted public order by staging sit-ins, unfurling banners, distributing fliers and obstructing roads. It said the proposed project is under evaluation and the public has opportunities to offer its input.
Zhenhai police said protesters threw rocks and bricks at officers Friday and that police dispersed illegal gatherings to restore the flow of traffic.
Residents, however, said the protests involved thousands of people and turned violent after authorities used tear gas to dispel the crowds and arrested participants.
"It started with a peaceful petition but turned into a citywide riot," said a local resident who gave only his family name, Ren, because he had come under police watch. He said he was called in by police over his frequent online postings about the project, which would produce chemicals such as ethylene and paraxylene.
Ren said the protest intensified Friday when young residents returned home for the weekend. He said 4,000 to 5,000 people blocked major road entrances to the district and that the public grew angry when police arrested three college students and used tear gas on the crowds.
He said demonstrators overturned a car, and some smashed the door of a fire truck that arrived to hose off leaked gasoline as well as to disperse protesters.
Thousands of protesters stormed a local police station, where they demanded the release of the students and a dialogue with district officials. Ren said the protesters also went to a traffic police compound, where they overturned police vehicles and private cars.
He said riot police moved in form a shield to guard the traffic police compound and that protesters threw rocks and water bottles at the riot police.
Later Friday night, police began beating protesters and passers-by with batons, Ren said.
On Saturday, people gathered in a large public square in Ningbo and shouted slogans against the project, Ren said. Many were taken away by police, he said.
Among the protesters was a businessman who said he was taken to a police station where he was forced to delete photos of the protest he had taken with his cellphone. He said he was released after an hour.
"The police have my information, and I need to keep a low profile," said the man, who gave only his family name, Wang.
The man, who was reached by phone, estimated there were tens of thousands of protesters on the square and that some were beaten by police.
Another man who gave the surname Mao said he happened to be in the square and began taking photos when he saw police were throwing people, including women and the elderly, onto the ground and severely beating them.
"I wanted to document it," Mao said.
Mao said he was forced into a police vehicle and detained in a police station for more than eight hours before being released with a warning that he should not post material online or accept interviews.
Photos posted online showed demonstrators clashing with police and holding up signs demanding that the project be halted. Some were shown being dragged away by police.
Searches for phrases including Zhenhai and Zhenhai chemical plant were blocked Saturday on China's extremely popular microblogging site Sina Weibo.
But that did not stop people from sharing information and expressing opinions online.
A microblogger in the town of Cixi, 50 kilometers (30 miles) away, said the project set off anger in an area where residents are prone to cancer because of severe pollution caused by industrial development.
"Many of my family members, friends and neighbors have cancer," said the microblogger, who gave only his last name, Hu, citing the sensitivity of the matter. "Our area is economically developed enough that we don't need projects that harm people's health."
"Government officials are only concerned about GDP and climbing up their career ladders, which is incompatible with local residents' desire to have a pleasant life," he said. "The officials will move on after a few years, but we will be living here generation after generation. It is irresponsible to build this project."
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In last week?s show, you learned how to perform the right kind of exercise. In today?s show, you?ll hear from renowned exercise researcher Dr. Mark Peterson on the science of how lifting, pushing, and pulling heavy things will improve your fitness health and happiness.
Click below to listen to the Greatist podcast, right here on our site:
Dr. Mark Peterson
3:25 ? How Dr. Peterson got interested in strength training.
4:13 ? The top five benefits of strength training.
5:08 ? How non-load bearing exercise compares to resistance training for health and fitness.
5:57 ? Why you don?t have to choose between cardio or weight training.
6:56 ? Why more muscle mass makes you healthier.
8:12 ? How strength training improves your bone, brain, and organ health.
9:20 ? How strength training protects you from injuries.
10:15 ? Why getting fat can make you weaker.
12:05 ? How to know how hard to push yourself when you start lifting weights.
13:26 ? How to not get injured from lifting weights.
14:20 ? How to create a time-efficient workout.
15:54 ? How to save time with circuit training.
18:13 ? Why people of all ages should lift weights.
19:32 ? How an osteoporotic old woman became an elite power lifter.
21:35 ? Why people who don?t like exercise should lift weights.
23:34 ? What Dr. Peterson did in the last week to improve his health.
Contact Dr. Peterson
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Armi Legge
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Mark Peterson, Ph.D.
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One amazing thing about the recent spate of laws that make it easier to shoot people and get away with it is how much prosecutors hate them. ?It?s an abomination,? one Florida prosecutor told the Sun Sentinel, referring to the state?s ?stand your ground? law at the center of the tragic killing of Trayvon Martin. And now we?re hearing from Montana?s county attorneys, sheriffs, and police chiefs, all of whom oppose the 2009 law that expanded the ?castle doctrine? to give homeowners more leeway to kill potential intruders. The law is ?a solution that had no problem,? the president of the Montana County Attorneys? Association said. And earlier this month, the prosecutor for the town of Kalispell cited the newly strengthened castle doctrine in refusing to indict Brice Harper, a man who shot and killed Dan Fredenberg, the husband of the woman Harper was having an affair with. Harper didn?t kill Fredenberg at the end of a violent encounter. He killed an unarmed Fredenberg when he walked into Harper?s garage.
The idea that Harper won?t be charged is crazy making because he had a clear, safe choice that didn?t involve shooting. According to the letter Flathead County attorney Ed Corrigan wrote explaining his decision not to prosecute, Fredenberg suspected that his wife, Heather Fredenberg, was having an affair with Harper. On the day of the shooting, she went to Harper?s house with her 18-month-old twins to help him get ready to move out. Her husband called to ask if she was with Harper, and she didn?t answer. Then she and Harper went for a drive?she wanted to get his opinion about a noise her car was making?and she saw her husband following behind. Harper got out of the car at his house. Heather Fredenberg told him to go inside and not to answer if her husband came to find him. Instead, Harper went inside, got his pistol from his bedroom, and stood at the door from his laundry room to his garage while Fredenberg approached. Harper told the police, ?I told him I had a gun, but he just kept coming at me.? He also claims Fredenberg was ?charging at him, like he was on a mission.? When Fredenberg was a few feet away, Harper shot him three times.
Harper told the police he feared for his life at that point. Maybe so. But it?s hard to see how he could have reasonably had such a fear when he saw Fredenberg walking up the driveway and had the option of going inside and closing the door. Montana?s law, however, gives people in this situation more leeway for a confrontation?this really is about standing your ground, for good reason or for bad. You can use force if you think it?s necessary to prevent someone from unlawfully entering a house. You can use force ?likely to cause death or serious bodily harm? if you think that?s necessary to keep yourself from being assaulted. You don?t have to fear that you may be killed or seriously injured. You have no duty to retreat or call the police. And if you have evidence that your use of force was justified, it?s the state?s burden to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it wasn?t.
Call me a wimp who?s afraid of guns, but I cannot for the life of me understand why you?d want to move from permitting self-defense to encouraging someone to go inside to get a weapon and then lie in wait on someone else approaching their house. I can see why Harper thought Fredenberg would beat him up. I can?t see why he put himself in the position of either getting beaten up or gunning him down. Nor is it hard to find other examples in which ?stand your ground? or expanded castle doctrine laws let shooters off the hook when their refusal to walk away is integral to the confrontation. In the aftermath of Trayvon Martin?s death, Ta-Nehisi Coates collected these examples. Here?s more from the Orlando Sentinel, and Jonathan Turley points out that Montana?s law led the police to release a man who shot his co-worker at his workplace, the local Wal-Mart.
The response to this week?s New York Times story about Fredenberg?s death and Corrigan?s decision not to prosecute includes the claim, from Jacob Sullum of Reason, that Harper?s decision to shoot would have been justified ?even without the changes that the state legislature made to Montana?s self-defense law in 2009.? Corrigan said the key for him was that the law used to give people the right to shoot to kill intruders only if they entered in a ?violent, riotous, or tumultuous manner,? but the new version of the law deleted the ?violent, riotous, or tumultuous? part. Sullum argues that Fredenberg was being violent or riotous or tumultuous. I don?t see it?belligerent, maybe, but not actually violent.
And in any case, it seems to me that the larger problem with these Go-Ahead-and-Shoot laws is the insidious way in which they encourage rather than deter violence. The National Rifle Association, the lobbying force behind the laws, which have passed in more than 20 states, exploits the understandable fear people have of being attacked at home to the point of countenancing killings that are barely provoked at all. The law has always provided for a right of self-defense. As Turley explains, the new breed of castle doctrine is ?based on an urban legend that people are routinely prosecuted for defending their homes from intruders.? It?s one thing to fend off someone who is trying to kill you. It?s another thing entirely to set up the legal framework so that if you say you felt in any way threatened, prosecutors have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you were wrong.
At least Fredenberg?s death has persuaded the local newspaper to call for rethinking Montana?s castle law. Now let?s see if the legislature is brave enough for a confrontation worth having?with the NRA.
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CWN - October 24, 2012
The Holy See and the Republic of China (Taiwan) have marked the seventieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations.
Msgr. Paul Russell, the Holy See?s charg? d?affaires, said that challenges in diplomatic relations are ?not inherent in the fundamental nature of either the ROC or of the Holy See, but rather are derived from external forces? ? a likely reference to the Communist People?s Republic of China.
?The relationship between the ROC and the Holy See has remained firm, based on our shared commitment to world peace and the well-being of humankind,? added Vanessa Shih, Taiwan?s vice foreign minister.
The Holy See is one of 23 states?and the only European state?that maintains diplomatic relations with Taiwan. The United States, following in the footsteps of numerous other nations, broke diplomatic relations with Taipei and established relations with Beijing in 1979.
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To promote the upcoming movie Chasing Mavericks, these guys wanted to surf in a different territory- New York City to be exact. Using modified surfboards, the guys were able to shred down the streets of midtown, Central Park and other NY hotspots. Watch the whole video.
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NEW YORK (AP) ? The NFL will consider dropping the Pro Bowl if the level of play doesn't improve, Commissioner Roger Goodell said Monday night.
Appearing on SiriusXM NFL Radio's "Town Hall," Goodell agreed with host Michael Strahan that last January's Pro Bowl "was embarrassing."
"If we cannot accomplish that kind of standard (of high play), I am inclined to not play it," Goodell said. "It is really tough to force competition, and after a long season, to ask those guys to go out and play at the same level they played is really tough."
The league still would select a Pro Bowl team through voting by players, coaches and fans, because it is an honor, but "just not play the game," he said.
The Pro Bowl will take place in January, a week before the Super Bowl, after the players lobbied to keep it, promising to upgrade their performances. Goodell and others were disappointed in the quality of last year's Pro Bowl, won 59-41 by the AFC and missing any semblance of hard hitting.
More from Goodell:
?The league is working on scheduling more East Coast games involving West Coast teams in late-afternoon slots to avoid what amounts to a 10 a.m. kickoff for the western teams.
"Several of our teams on the West Coast have raised that and we have been studying it," he said. "We have tried to put as many of those games on the East Coast at 4 p.m. You can imagine the thousands of different issues you have to put into the schedule. But the 10 o'clock starts are pretty tough."
?He praised teams for making it possible for fans to text concerns about unruly behavior to stadium security.
"Allowing you to text to security personnel rather than having to get an usher, that is a plus to fans," said Goodell, who recently sat with his family in the stands at a Titans-Vikings game in Minneapolis. "The arrests are down and ejections are up. Our teams are ejecting fans who are unruly. And arrests (being) down is an indication that fans are getting the message."
?Explained the NFL's studies of potential developmental leagues for players and officials. He said if the schedule format ever drops two preseason games, there will be more discussions on the subject because teams will have a more difficult time determining the makeup of rosters.
He added the NFL is looking for more ways to train on-field officials and for them to have interaction with players, citing college football, Arena Football and the CFL as places that could happen.
Going to an 18-game regular season with two exhibition games remains a point of contention with the players' union. But Goodell admitted to having "an issue with the preseason."
"Our fans don't like watching the preseason games, attending the preseason games, so we have to evaluate the season format," he said, "and that is one way of looking at it: 18-2. Or go to 16-2 or some other alternative; take two of those (preseason) games and make them more developmental."
?Said three regular-season games abroad is not out of the realm of possibility. Next year, for the first time, the league will play two games in London.
As for a franchise abroad, he added: "I wouldn't at all be surprised some day to see us have a team in London."
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